Did you get a missed call from us?
Office Phone:
Our only phone number in Ireland, that we make calls from is (090) 661 7066
We will only call you if you placed an order on this website and we need to confirm your address, the items you selected, to assist DPD or AnPost with delivery, to discuss returning an item as requested by you, or if you requested that we call you. We will not call you for any other reason. We don't call every person who places an order.
WhatsApp, SMS:
0830109277 (+353830109277) - We do not make outbound phone calls from this number. If you receive a phone call from this number, you can ignore it. This number is only used for WhatsApp and SMS notifications.
If you are not 100% sure that an SMS notification was sent by us, ignore it, do not click any links and call our office phone number on (090) 661 7066
Be aware of phone number spoofing.
Phone number spoofing is when an unknown source call you and the caller ID displays some other phone number, a number that may be random or of some recognised business in Ireland. Have you ever called back a missed call and the person said they didn't call you? This is phone number spoofing. The phone companies such as Three, VirginMedia, Eir, have no way to prevent this. If you get a missed call or one ring call from either of our two phone numbers and you aren't expecting it, this could represent phone number spoofing of our business phone numbers.
Security and privacy
We will never ask for personal information (such as passwords or payment details) in an email, phone call or message. We do not take payments over the phone. If you receive such a request, please do not respond to it. If you have any questions regarding a message or email you received, call our Support team, contact details below.
email: sales@surelookit.com